
Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 2:00-4:30pm (meal prep) - Meal prep will take place in the Gloria Dei Kitchen.

4:30-7pm (serving). Volunteers serving the meal will meet in the parking lot of Raven Industries.

Seven Sioux Falls United Methodist Churches maintain a well equipped van that is used to serve a weekly Sunday evening meal in two downtown locations. Gloria Dei has the opportunity to partner with the Night Watch Van to help ease the pain of hunger in our community by preparing and serving a meal to those in need. Please consider helping this ministry!

Thank you for volunteering with Nightwatch. Locate the time and role you are interested in serving below. Fill in your name and email and hit the PURPLE submit button.  Submit information for each person planning to volunteer. 

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church respects your privacy. 


Sunday, May 5, 2024
2:00-4:30pm (meal prep) - Meal prep will take place in the Gloria Dei Kitchen.

4:30-7pm (serving). Volunteers serving the meal will meet in the parking lot of Raven Industries.

Seven Sioux Falls United Methodist Churches maintain a well equipped van that is used to serve a weekly Sunday evening meal in two downtown locations. Gloria Dei has the opportunity to partner with the Night Watch Van to help ease the pain of hunger in our community by preparing and serving a meal to those in need. Please consider helping this ministry!