Gloria Dei Online Directory - Contact Information Form

Thank you for taking time to fill out this form for our online directory. The online directory is an 'Opt-In' directory, which means we are NOT including Gloria Dei members unless you choose to 'Opt-In' to the online directory. We're also updating your records in our church membership database using the information you've provided. Thank you!
In order to have the most accurate records in our church database, please complete this form for each person in your household. Thank you!
Full Legal Name

Please give us your full, legal name in order for the system to automatically assign the updated data to your profile in our database.
Email Address

Our system handles only one, preferred email address per member profile. In order to receive communication from Gloria Dei, please give use an email address that you check regularly.
Phone Numbers

Phone numbers must include area code. Example: (605) 555-5555


Permission for Online Directory

We're all tired of boring, old church directories that are out of date as soon as they are printed. That's why we're inviting you to 'Opt-In' to our new online church directory! Don't worry, your information is as secure (and even more so) than your online bank data.

Please tell us if you'd like to 'Opt-In' to our new online church directory. If you select 'No' you will not be included in our online directory. You must do this for each person in your family.
Please select one option.
Online Directory Pictures

Please upload a picture of yourself and your family so we can get to know you and you can get to know others. It will take a couple of buisness days for us to update your profile, so please be patient. If you want to upload a picture to your profile yourself, create an account and/or login here: Create Account/Login!


Thank you for taking time to fill out this form for our online directory. The online directory is an 'Opt-In' directory, which means we are NOT including Gloria Dei members unless you choose to 'Opt-In' to the online directory. We're also updating your records in our church membership database using the information you've provided. Thank you!